2020 Opera Idol was a huge success! Three crowns hosted 4 contestants and two alumni performing in a night filled with music from opera, musical theatre and song.
The grand prize went to Andrew Payne, baritone, who won the Tom Lysaught scholarship, sponsored by Mary Lysaught, worth $3000 to study at the Milnes VOICE Studio this summer as part of the Savannah VOICE Festival. A Student of Northwestern University, he is been offered to sing Leporello in SVF’s production of Don Giovanni this summer.
The People’s Choice award, a $1000 tuition scholarship, funded by the Bernard and Sally Dobroski, was awarded to soprano Tiana Sorensen, a Northwestern graduate.
Joining Sherrill Milnes and Maria Zouves on the judging panel was Voice Faculty and alumni Joachim Schamberger and Kelli Morgan. Pianist Teresa Kang played the whole, livelyweekend.
Other contestants, tenor David Aurajo and baritone Bryan McClary wowed the audiences along with the winners, joining all for a weekend of workshops, coaching and the 11th annual event at the home of Joe and Patt Taylor. Joe’s art adorned the walls of thier Frank Lloyd Wright restoration home as the perfect backdrop to this home concert.
In its 20th anniversary, many VOICExperience alumni as well as past Idol winners joined the celebrations, singing and sharing memories of the program. Kelli Morgan, Simon Kyung Lee, Ola Rafalo, Ana Collado and Diana Stoic as well as the talented Idol artists came together for what became a Chicago based reunion! Lots of great music, great food and great fun!